Links Program

Website Links: Thanks much for visiting us! Here are a few of the sites on the web that we recommend.

Rapid Response Medical Alarms, LLC  invites you to become an advertiser on our website, & If you or a family member subscribes to our medi-alert service, your ad will be placed at no charge. Your website will also be placed in our website directory. It’s a win-win situation.

Rapid Response PERS, LLC 

lifeline button






Cam54 – Seniors Social Networking



Cam54 is a powerful networking site. It will help you connect with like-minded people from all over the world.

Chairobics – Sit to be fit DVD

chairobics original_21412


Chairobics, an innovative “sit down” exercise class, is a compilation of low impact aerobic routines customized to meet the needs of those individuals who like to workout while sitting down.




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